Monday, June 18, 2012


Be Impeccable With Your Word.Don’t Take Anything Personally.
Don’t Make Assumptions. Always do Your Best.Don't believe me, don't believe others, don't believe yourself.

First thing I learned to, I learned how to take the media. That is the first thing God tell me of. Look 'pon me an said 'Son remember them gonna say a lot of bad things, an them might say a lot of good things. When them say a lot a bad things don't check it bad. When them say a lot a good things don't check it bad. Seen. You just remember say one man write it. Seen. You might have a few more people look over it but the natural people is out there. Some of them never want to read it. Some of them never ever see it before, for the people inside think they can know. Yah.

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