Over a whole heap of time now everyone write about Rasta.
Well Rasta no write about himself. Over a whole period of time with talking to
a lot of journalist to show them the right thing and they only read the wrong
thing. I say we might as well try to see if we can really write some right
things. That way people really can see that JAH comes from the right source
more than it comes from what a man thinks you say. Ini say something and you
don’t understand but if I would write it and you could read it and can
understand it. You dig?
They say our blood run through our line. That means from Solomon.
That lineage of that blood and our hearts are pure. And the prophets say Rasta
come in for a longer time. It come up among conscious.

We are in touch with each other. We might have what you call
the differences in the teachings of Rastafari. I believe that every house that
His Majesty has must be united. Some men believe that only this house is right
and that one is wrong and all the rest are wrong. I know that God never make a
mistake. If H.I.M. have a Twelve Tribe
and H.I.M. have a Nyabinghi and H.I.M. have this then there must be a man
somewhere that can bring all of this thing together. This is what kind of
causes this thing with some people. Some Rastaman is more like, some Rasta goes
to the work in a sense of do the work. I personally believe that I must help
and do the work. Some men believe why all of this, leave everything to God. I
don’t believe like that. I believe God helps those who help themselves. That
means if something is going on I must make a move to change it although we are
Rasta. It is what we call commitment. We want to get the whole thing together.

When we started this thing we were forever Rastas. We had no
doubt about this. Is the world power that fight against Rasta. World power is
the Devil and the Devil fight against God and God name is Rastafari.
You have to dance to JAH
music. It is the whole thing that is in your head. You just have to forget your
troubles and dance. Dance to JAH music and get your culture. From your culture
we move to progress. What you are going to do is dance to JAH music. Dancing to
JAH music is educating yourself culturally towards His Majesty. Rasta it is not
just dance it is dancing to JAH music. They can walk JAH walk and talk JAH
talk. Run JAH run and doing the things JAH way. Just do it JAH way which is
righteous. Dance a righteous dance.
Some of the people that it would be good to hear are Burning
Spear, Bunny Livingston, Black Disciples, Dennis Brown, Israel Vibration and
Everybody have to stay root. Because you have root there
like Aston Barrett and Carlton Barrett. You can’t return to the roots. You have to be the
root. Because if you were to return to the root then you were a leaf and they you would
drop off. You must be the root.
It is roots we deal with. If one man gets to giddy and
another man getting giddy that means you are going to get psychedelic.

That is what I really work for. My success is black people
unity and the unity of all black people coming together. That makes me to be
who I want to be. I want to be a man living with my people feeling free and I
unity. It is what him supposed to really require for them life. Because of
economic struggle really can’t reach a certain stage. It is not money. Money in
not black man redemption. Seen. Money is not unity. Black people unity is the
power of god. Black people have to know that. No money can do this thing. It
has to be unified and unity is strength. We have to unite. The people who make
us united them force us to be united because them set up them own things. It’s
either you agree with them or something else if you agree. We have to unite
ourselves. Who are we talking about? Rome or Rome strategy. Rome claim them
conquer. InI say no. His Majesty is the Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah.
Seen. All I really want is the peace. We call it peace. We want to call it
black man unity. Rastafari represent blackness and righteousness. Anytime a
black man can’t find his roots, his roots are Rastafari. Seen. Your black roots
are Rastafari and from that you have life. Your roots are Rastafari and that is
why I speak so much about black. It is because InI black and black is right.
Seen. You couldn’t say white or something else. If we say black it is because
black right. When a black man respects his own dignity and can find himself
with Rastafari, in the lineage of King Solomon and David. If he can’t find his
roots there he doesn’t have any roots. If a black man don’t find his roots in
the roots of King Solomon and King David up to His Imperial Emperor Haile I
Selassie I then him don’t have no roots. I would like him to try to search his
roots. Don’t search in the wrong place. The black man has no roots in Rome.

Reggae is heart music and it comes from the people in
Jamaica. It is a music within its own self. Music is family and you cannot separate it. You
can separate lyrics but not music.
Am I a new Haile Selassie, a prophet leader? No mon, no mon…
no… no… no. A man never turn his own corner and try it. It is just some
philosophy. Do you know what I mean? That means it save everyone you see. I
respect them. Just like when I get my vision it feel like every man a get to
their own turf. Then you would know that God, our God and no one else. Mad mon.
You can’t be them type a thing, you must be one of these things and you not a
prophet. I know I sing a couple of truths and I educate my own self. And
through God so help the living and to make other people listen.
Your conscious comes in front of your eye. Smoking herb is
freedom. If you want to be free, just smoke herb.
I wouldn’t say reggae and Rasta is the same thing. Reggae is
the beat of the music that carries on RASTA. It is a way of expressing Rasta
way of thinking. It is a way of communicating to more people because sometimes
when you listen to reggae you might not hear the words. You hear the bass line,
you might hear the drummer and you love that. You keep listening and you are
going to hear the words. One day you understand what I say so Rasta is reggae and
reggae is a beat that carry Rasta.
When you unite you have to come together. You can’t live in
a bastion and unite. The whole 144,000 have to unite in one place together and
sing one song or say one prayer. No one knows about it or has experienced what
that is going to be. Seen. That is what prophecy says must happen. The people
have to unite and the only thing that can unite the people right now is reality
himself, which is God. God said H.I.M. shall return with a new name which is
Where two or more gather in my name God is there. That means
the people that come want to know one thing and that is Rasta. Even for the
hour or the half hour it is one vibe in Rastafari and it is good for them.
Do I feel any closer to my own sons than to somebody else?
To tell you the truth I really love all children. No one is special.
I will tell you something. If I would go to Africa today I would draw a million people.
Rasta is Christianity. It is not like the church thing
because the church is the church. A church is a building and people go to the church
now and praise God. The people in the church believe they have to die and
they don’t go to heaven. The Rastaman believe in life after going through all
this sufferation to accept life for whatever it is. Life is life.
I feel very strongly about this album because it is for the
right cause. It brings back the beautification of all Africans like Marcus Garvey preached
about. The album is really about the unity.
Clean up your heart from pure wickedness and remember Rasta.
Well I feel very strongly about this album. Because the unification of all Africans like Marcus
Garvey preached about. So that is what happen and what we really deal about. The Unity.
We don’t have any friends. We don’t look for sympathizers.
Rasta doesn’t want any sympathizers. You are either Rasta or you are not. Rasta is
not a thing you can sympathize with.
The artist is always for the
people at all times.
We had a brother Joe Higgs used to tutor us but at that time
it was Ska.
Am I married? No. Do I have any children? Yes I have a
couple of children in Jamaica. I can’t deal with the western ways of life. I
must live by the laws of His Majesty. If it is not the laws of His Majesty then
I can make my own law. I don’t say I got to make you love me. It is either His
Majesty’s law or I can make my own. What I know is all those other laws are
made by men and I am a man too. I don’t think they are a great law to me.
I went to reasoning sometimes for Rasta. Planno is a strong
Rasta, very strong. What we are talking about is food for the spirit. The more
you about this the more you are stronger. If you don’t talk about it you get
We don’t overwork ourselves. We don’t deal with the clock in
They fight against everything
that is good. They fight against the herb. Do you know why them fight against the herb? Because when
you smoke herb you can communicate better with each other. You start to realize
the same being living in this is living in that. So you get InI instead of me,
you and him. The god that bring division. But if it is I, then who says one I?
That means God live in I and is God living in the I.
Am I competing with Peter Tosh? Well I don’t compete. I
don’t compete. I don’t compete.
Smile you are in Jamaica because we’re African.
Woman is our mother.
The government sometimes don’t like how we talk. We are
outspoken. They want to keep hiding things. Now we just get up and say black man
you are from Africa. Meanwhile they say you must be Jamaican. You have to be a
Jamaican and we know the truth is we are Africans. Because it is so important
for them to tell you we have to be Jamaicans. It is important for us to be who we want to be. I want to be Africa.
We Africans can live peacefully. So just don’t try to tell me and don’t put me
in something you want me to be in. I have to be what I am. And that is what
causes the problem and causes violence sometime.

JAH RASTAFARI. His Majesty is the Prince of Peace and
through history and the future we know that this peace is the Inity of black
people and it must start in Jamaica. In Jamaica the Rastamon know Rastafari
from a knownful dignity and a Rastamon’s roots. The peace that the youth call
for today is to unite black people univershally over the earth in their own
roots which is Rastafari. We know that black people must be united and the only
power that can unite black people is God. Black people are very, very near to
God. Seen. God said He shall return with a new name and it shall be RASTAFARI.
This peace has come about through His Imperial Majesty. Because H.I.M. gave the
youth a work to do and that is to unite black people univershally through the
spirit of His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile I Selassie I Rastafari.

The root of black culture is really here in Jamaica. The
Rastamon represent the root of blackness. Noah has three sons. Ham, Shem and
Japheth. Seen. The black man has his own culture. The white man has his own way
of doing things. The man from Shem has his own way of doing things. The black
people know from going through slavery and all the bad treatment that has come
upon us for such a long time up till now. When people go to school they learn
of Marco Polo instead of learning of Haile Selassie and Marcus Garvey or Simeon
Rueben, Levi, Issachar and all of these Sons of Jacob. Instead they learn about
men named Christopher Columbus and Marco Polo. You find the people can’t get
that kind of feeling and I am a little bit worried, because they really can’t
get through this education. For it really comes to Rasta. Rastafari come’s as a
new teaching because when them get this old wine it is hard for them to see
these things. I mean think about what they have been taught. Seen. Forget that
and go with Rastafari is God. God wouldn’t fool anyone. If H.I.M. should return
as King of Kings Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah then he will return as
that and no one can stop it. We have great faith in God because we know God. We
know when God say I shall return with a new name and my name shall be dreadful
and powerful among the heathen and H.I.M. shall return as King of Kings Lord of
Lords Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah. We know that no one else could
come in this name except His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile I Selassie who had
revealed himself as Christ in his kingly character. Seen. And is God. Seen. He
set the example of how man should live and follow. That is whole way to truth
and life and peace and ever live and love and everything.

We truly express Rasta through reggae. Music is a univershal
Plenty parts in Kingston is like government land and we
capture it an build little small shanty houses. You know what shanty houses is?
You just make them up and live there then after a while government come an
chase we off the land. We go somewhere
an capture again. Is certain part of Kingston is slum applied. You know Ghetto
There are reggae artists and they play quality music. QUALITY REGGAE. Every song is a sign. What happens is that it is God inside of you.