I photographed Ras Sam Brown. A fact.

Gods are the creation of the inner consciousness of nation’s
deification of an individual. Elders and parents beget progenies who in turn
carry on the perpetuation of such culture.
Unlike all orders of religion,
the culture of Rastafari was not handed down from father to son as the people of
Christendom. We who have perused the volumes of history know that in this 20th
century a king would arise out of Jesse’s root, who should be a God {Almighty}
for his people, and a liberator to all the oppressed of earth. We the
Rastafarians who are the true prophets of this age, the reincarnated Moseses,
Joshuas, Isaiahs, Jeremiahs who are the battle-axes and weapons of war {a
Jihad}, we are those who are destined to free not only the scattered Ethiopians
but all people, animals, herbs and all life forms.
We are vanguard of 144,000
celestial selectees who shall in turn free 468,000 millions particularly, and
the world at large. We are the disciples of Rastafari, who have walked with God
from the time when the foundation of creation was laid through 71 bodies, to
behold the 72nd house of power which shall reign forever. We now stand as the
fulfillers of prophecy; we knew before that when a king should be crowned in the
land of David’s throne, that individual would be Shiloh, the anointed One, the
Messiah, the Christ returned in the personification {on his vesture and on his
thigh is a name written, “King of Kings and Lord of Lords”}.We also know the
significance of Daniel, declaring from that time to this time, for I behold
until all the thrones of Babylon were cast down and the ancient of whose head
was like unto wool, whose feet were like unto burning brass, and he treadeth the
fierceness of the winepress of his wrath, to execute Justice and Judgement on
the Gentiles. The scriptures declare God hangs in motionless space surrounded by
thick darkness, hence a black man.
God came in many bodies to reign forever
in Rastafari the holy one of Israel whose ray of light shall finally dim the
eyes of the dragon, and through whose power all those of many nations who
embrace the faith and uphold its laws shall live forevermore with God. We are
those who shall fight all wrongs and bring ease to the suffering bodies and
peace to all people.